If you find yourself buried in credit card debt you’re not alone. A transfer of your existing credit card balances is an option for debt management that allows you to consolidate high interest rate credit cards into one lower rate credit card, thus saving you money on your monthly payment and simplifying your finances. Use your monthly savings to pay off your debts sooner or work toward another long-term financial goal.
If you're looking to get out of debt, GE Credit Union is here to help you!

With GE Credit Union's Mastercard, you can get a special rate of 7.99% APR* on transferred balances until paid in full plus a one-time 3.0% transfer fee.*
Talk to us! Contact your favorite branch and schedule a time to talk with a Member Service Representative to complete a financial review and see what options are best for your individual situation.
Transfer now For current GE Credit Union Mastercard card-holders
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