Jump Start Savings Accounts
It’s never too early to get them to think about their money. Teach them the importance of saving with a Jump Start Savings Account! Whether it’s putting away gift money or saving up for a car or college—this account will get them started.
Accounts earn 5% APY on balances up to $1,0001
For kids under the age of 172
No monthly fees
Teach them about making a savings plan
Watch their savings grow
Give the Gift of Membership!
Perfect for any occasion! Help your child or other young person begin their Credit Union relationship with us!
Deposit $25 into a new membership account for someone 17 or younger and we’ll give them a $5* bonus when they make their first deposit of $25 or more each month, for one year.
Open a Share Savings Account for a young person at your local branch or by calling us at 800.992.8472.
Open an account for a new member
Minimum deposit of $25 per month in order to receive $5 bonus. Maximum bonus amount is $60 per year. Gift Certificate must be presented each month in order to receive the bonus.